September RG – Cambridge, Frampton

Thursday 22nd September
Ramblers Group

Cambridge (A38) – Frampton
led by Angela & Allison (view poster here)

Meet outside Nailsworth Library at 9.30am, lifts available.

Angela and Allison will take you on a flat, 5 mile walk starting from the car park at The George Inn at Cambridge. The route takes us through fields and woodland as far as Frampton-on-Severn, and back along the canal towpath to the Cambridge Arms swing bridge from where we return  to our starting point. 6 or 7 stiles, and maybe one rather overgrown section.

Lunch at The George Inn, Cambridge
If possible choose from their on-line menu (here) and phone Angela on 832911 by Wednesday 21st with your order.

£1 per walker, sorry no dogs.

More information and photos can be found on our facebook page.

Our September ramble was a 5 mile walk starting at The George Inn at Cambridge, through fields and woodland as far as Frampton, then returning alongside the Gloucester-Sharpness canal before crossing the bridge and returning through more fields until we reached the pub where we enjoyed a good meal.

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August RG – Sapperton

Thursday 25th August
Ramblers Group

led by Mary Saunders (view poster here)

Meet outside Nailsworth Library at 9.30am for a drive to Sapperton.

This is a 5½+ mile ramble, starting and finishing at The Daneway Inn. We will cover typical Cotswold topography through sloping woodland and fields to Edgeworth and back through Pinbury Park.
Lunch after at The Daneway Inn. We can choose from the menu before we set off for our walk. As they have just taken over the pub there is no web information available but landlord will meet us at 9.45am with menus.

Further details if required from Mary 01453 832749

£1 per walker, sorry no dogs.

More information and photos can be found on our facebook page.

12 members drove to The Daneway Inn for a 7 mile ramble, led by Mary Saunders.  The route took in the village of Edgeworth with it’s church and Manor House.  Mary told us about the ‘Unwrapping of an Egyptian Mummy’ at Edgeworth Manor House in 1851.  An interesting tale!  We walked through woodland and meadows with some steep sections before walking up the valley opposite Pinbury Park House. The route eventually brought us back to Sapperton and then along the old canal side back to The Daneway.

More photos on facebook.

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July RG – Miserden and Caudle Green

Thursday 28th July
Ramblers Group

Miserden & Caudle Green
led by Dave Partington (view poster here)

A 5 mile walk starting from the Carpenters’ Arms in Miserden, through farmland and woods to the hamlet of Caudle Green.
Then towards Winstone before returning to the pub via Miserden Park.

Steep in places (up and down), 3 stiles and possibly muddy after any rainfall.

Lunch at The Carpenters Arms, Miserden.
Orders taken on morning of ramble.

More information and photos can be found on our facebook page.

20160728-ramble1At the gates of Miserden Park20160728-ramble2Walking down the carriage drive
20160728-ramble3Group photo by the lake
20160728-ramble4Cotswold cottage20160728-ramble5Horses in the field

June RG – Old Sodbury

Thursday 23rd June
Ramblers Group

Old Sodbury
led by Stuart Radford (view poster here)

Our walk will start from The Dog Inn (BS37 6LZ). The 4 mile route takes us on part of the Jubilee Way  to Little Sodbury End, and The Cotswold Way as far as Sodbury Hill Fort, and back again to Old Sodbury.  

1 steep uphill climb, several stiles, 1 gate to climb! Muddy in places.

Lunch at The DOG INN, OLD SODBURY (menu)
Please choose from the lunch menu (£6.25) and give your order to  Stuart Radford on 839250 or 07889 138311 or email him on

More information and photos can be found on our facebook page.

Nine of us enjoyed a 5.2 mile walk starting at The Dog Inn, Old Sodbury. The weather was dry and very humid. Stuart led us on a walk that took in parts of The Jubilee Way, Monarch Way and The Cotswold Way. It was a fairly flat walk with one steep climb followed by a descent which led to St John The Baptist church at Old Sodbury. After walking through the church grounds we were met with a magnificent view across the Severn Valley. On returning to the pub all nine of us enjoyed a well deserved drink and meal.

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May RG – Upton St Leonards

Thursday 26th May
Ramblers Group

Upton St Leonards
led by John Batten & Sally Venn (view poster here)

We will drive to the Kings Head, Upton St. Leonards (GL4 8AA) from where John and Sally will lead us on a 6 mile walk.
One fairly long steep climb, 16 stiles, 5 gates and 2 bridges.
Lunch at the Kings Head.

More information and photos can be found on our facebook page.

The ramble this month was 6.2 miles long, starting and ending at The Kings Head in Upton-St-Leonards.  The weather was perfect – sunny but not too hot.  We had to negotiate 16 stiles and 5 gates, and a long steep climb but the views from the top were magnificent if a little hazy.  Besides the village lanes, fields of yellow buttercups with cattle, sheep and horses, we also walked along woodland pathways in the Kites Hill Reserve.

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