March RG – Sheepscombe

Ramblers Group

Thursday March 26th, 2015
9.30am outside the Library


John and Sally will lead us on a 5½ mile ramble, starting at The Butchers Arms, in Sheepscombe. There will be a couple of steep climbs, several gates, but no stiles. Muddy in places.

Lunch after at The Butchers Arms, Sheepscombe. We can choose from the menu on the day but to check it out before see here

Further details if required from John 01453 751772

Find us on facebook
Nailsworth Society Rambler’s Group


Pictures from the walk

Nailsworth Ramblers Group in Sheepscombe, March 2015

Nailsworth Ramblers Group walking through the woods, March 2015

March ACMG – Wool Top Pom-Pom Chicks & Bunnies

Arts, Crafts & Music Group

Monday March 2nd, 2015
7.30pm in the Mortimer Room
(The meeting is likely to end later than usual, around 9pm.)

Wool Top Pom-Pom Chicks & Bunnies
with Steffi Stern from Mother Goose

Perfect for making with your children and grandchildren for Easter! This will be a hands-on session where you will be able to make a chick or bunny from wool fleece.

There will be an extra charge of £1.50 to cover the cost of materials. Members £2.50, visitors £4.50, including materials.

A copy of the poster can be found here